18 Nov 2009

Hawaii Education Matters March October 23 Against Friday Furloughs

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Friday Furloughs Protest – Hawaii Education Matters March at Capitol October 23

Hawaii parents have started a petition at The Petition Site, Hawaii Education Matters.

“We, the people of Hawaii, are calling upon the Governor, Legislature, Department of Education, Board of Education and Hawaii State Teachers Association to find the resources and funding necessary to keep our schools open, our teachers working and our students engaged and educated.  Stop Furlough Fridays.  Educate, protect, and respect the children of Hawaii.”

As of this morning, October 12, they had 9% of their goal of 5,000 signatures. Hawaii has the reputation of having one of the worst school systems in the United States, with average test scores well below median scores in the US. Almost half of Hawaii’s children were considered “disadvantaged” in 2002. Five years later, the scores for eighth graders were scarcely improved, with only 1 in 5 meeting proficiency.

The most recent data at the National Center for Education Statistics’ website shows Hawaii lower than the national average for every category and subject. Even without canceling any days, Hawaii has a long way to go.

Hawaii Vote School Furloughs

Hawaii Vote School Furloughs
